Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is the week!

We're hitting the road this week....sometime! After 2 weeks of l-o-n-g days in the shed, Jon almost has our Round Oz Rig ready to roll. My hero! He has been very busy and with help from his Dad, has done heaps! Below are a few pics of just some of the bits and pieces he has worked on. There's a number of others but they don't photograph as well:) Although, dismantling the glove box and half the dash did look pretty scary. More photos soon - I hope - of the finished products.
The Shed has been a hive of activity for 2 weeks.
There was even a job or 2 Kirsty could help with.
The tool drawer.
This shelf is where the back seats in the Nav's cab used to be. It will be home to the freezer and clothes boxes.
The pantry. 2 plastic boxes slide into the compartments on the left.
On the right will be Tupperware containers of food and our Shuttle Chef thermal cooker.

PS. Had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday working in the shed together...inhaling paint and glue fumes. Roses, DVDs, cuddles, chocolates and personalised bickies in the mix too.'s grand:) So's the thought of being only a few sleeps away from heading south!

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